DSM 7.0 preview
DSM 7.0 preview


NAS 網路磁碟伺服器使用者俱樂部

DSM7.0Preview下載連結.https://event.synology.com/dsm_previewDSM7.0Preview不支援下列機種。但別擔心,未來發行的DSM7.0Beta或DSM7.0Official將會支援 ...

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DSM 7.0 Preview 來了(頁1) - NAS 專集

DSM 7.0 Preview 來了 ... 終於整合moments同photo station! ... 應該是放棄photo station 而上moments? 其實成日有人說唔出7代,多少就是沒乜特別可以加吧。

Synology Provides Preview of DSM 7.0

Synology has released the preview of version 7.0 of its DiskStation Manager Software. The manufacturer delayed the release of the test version ...

Synology DSM 7.0 FULL Review

DSM 7 makes a very early positive impact on the user after the update has been installed, with the new login screen and improved login options.

NAS 網路磁碟伺服器使用者俱樂部

DSM 7.0 Preview 下載連結. https://event.synology.com/dsm_preview DSM 7.0 Preview 不支援下列機種。但別擔心,未來發行的DSM 7.0 Beta 或DSM 7.0 Official 將會支援 ...

DSM 7.0 Preview 下載連結. https:event.synology.com ...

DSM 7.0 Preview 下載連結. https://event.synology.com/dsm_preview DSM 7.0 Preview 不支援下列機種。但別擔心,未來發行的DSM 7.0 Beta 或DSM 7.0 ...

等了近2年,終於可以開始測試DSM 7.0 Preview了~

昨天ds918+測試後發現USB外接2.5G與5G網卡都不能使用, 這個7.0版等了很久又很久, 並沒有感受到相對驚喜, 反而是驚嚇 上網找了降級的方法, ...

Quick review of DSM 7 on new and old hardware. : rsynology

I wanted to use Photos app in DSM 7 and installed the RC on the 720. I have to say so far, I'm super impressed. Performance has been great, and ...

發行資訊: DSM

若您欲執行DSM 7.0 全新安裝,請確保您利用find.synology.com、Synology Assistant 7.0-50029 或以上版本來進行安裝。 為避免相容性問題,若使用者於DSM 7.0 Preview ...

Release Notes for DSM

DSM 7.2.1-69057 was updated on October 17, 2023. This update includes the following changes: For the models below, you can only download the upgrade patch from ...

Synology DSM 7 Review - ALMOST Perfection!

Update, Synology DSM has been updated to DSM 7.1. So, check out my MASSIVE Synology DSM 7.1 Software Review HERE ...


DSM7.0Preview來了...終於整合moments同photostation!...應該是放棄photostation而上moments?其實成日有人說唔出7代,多少就是沒乜特別可以加吧。,Synologyhasreleasedthepreviewofversion7.0ofitsDiskStationManagerSoftware.Themanufacturerdelayedthereleaseofthetestversion ...,DSM7makesaveryearlypositiveimpactontheuseraftertheupdatehasbeeninstalled,withthenewloginscreenandimprovedloginoptions.,DSM7.0Preview...